Notes to Applicant

  1. 申請人須填妥申請表各項,並提供正確資料。
    Please ensure that all parts in the form are completed and the information is accurate.

  2. 申請人如未能提供全部所需的資料,或所填寫的資料,未能清楚顯示申請人具備有關職位所規定的學歷、訓練、經驗或其他條件,申請將不獲處理。
    Your application will not be processed if you fail to provide all information as requested, or it is not clear from your statements that you have the minimum qualifications, training, experience or other requirements specified for the job.

  3. 如申請職位的日常職務涉及與兒童(即未滿18歲人士)有經常或定期接觸的工作,申請人將被協會要求進行性罪行定罪紀錄查核,並自行繳交所需費用。
    If the usual duties of the position applied for would involve frequent or regular contact with children (i.e. persons under 18), you will be required to undergo Sexual Conviction Record Check (SCRC) at the SCRC Office of the Police and pay the related fee.

  4. 申請人所提供的資料,將用於招聘香港青年協會員工及作其他聘任用途。有關資料可能會送交獲授權處理申請人資料的部門/機構,以便進行各項入職審查,例如學歷評審、體格檢查及操守審查等。招聘程序完成後,未獲取錄申請人的資料將予銷毀,不再保留。
    The information provided will be used for appointment to the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to departments/agencies authorized to process the information for purposes relating to appointment e.g. qualifications assessment, medical examination and integrity checking etc. Information on unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed after the recruitment exercise.

  5. 申請人可上載申請表上列明獲頒發的文憑/證書、學歷證明、訓練證書或其他相關文件。
    You may upload copies of your diplomas/certificates or other qualification documents (or transcripts pending availability of diplomas / certificates) as stated in the application form.

  6. 提交申請後,如欲更改或查詢個人資料,請致電25272448與總辦事處聯絡。
    For correction of or access to personal data after submission of the application form, please contact Head Office of the Federation at 2527 2448.